I challenge you Dad
🎼🎊 Jesus, your love is perfect. Jesus, your power is perfect. Jesus, your Spirit is perfect. Jesus, yes you are Holy.🎼🎊 I adore you. *Hello to you* 💥📖Hebrews 4:16 LSG
[16] Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace, to be helped in our needs.
💥Papa, I need you and you know it. Sometimes I feel like I overestimate what you'll do in my life. I imagine great things worthy of you but I see nothing. You show me great things that I don't see. I only see the opposite. Father, I challenge you. I challenge the God of many graces. I would like to see this dimension of you flow abundantly in my life. I'd just like to be a spectator of what you'll do in my life. ❤🔥 *March: Welcome to the month of resurrection, the month of double favor. ♥️🌹🍒 # *2024*, year of the reign of Jesus Christ in the Nations. 💥Year of the miracle. 💥 Year of divine acceleration. 💥 Year of the great harvest. 💥The year of the mani...