My God is great
🎼When I look around I see YOUR grace, Lord Jesus, I bless you. How can I not praise you Lord Jesus.🎼 * Hello majestic, wonderful, glorious, divine, sweet creature * 💥Psalm of David. To the Lord the earth and all that is in it, The world and those who dwell in it! Psalms 24:1 LSG O, what a great God we serve. Everything is in you. The universe, the more than 2,000 billion galaxies, the sea, the animals, the forests, the mountains, the valleys, the sky, the earth, every planet. The world is inside you. I am in you 🥰 and I am proud😍 of it. You live in me too. O, what a miracle🤭. My God, my Father, my spouse, my best friend, my big brother is big, powerful. He is the greatest, the most beautiful. What a privilege, what an honor. I pray to always see your greatness in my life. Be great in my mind, soul, thoughts, heart, body, family, choices, trials. May your greatness be my share in all times and places. Open my eyes to your greatness so that I will no longer worry. Make us aware of ...