Know yourself better to succeed with others
💥🌻Know yourself better to succeed with others🌻💥 The four basic or dominant temperament types 🌪️ There is no best temperament. Every temperament has its strengths and weaknesses. 💨A temperament makes you predictable. You can be manipulated when you don't realize the weaknesses of your dominant temperament. 🌫️ You won't find yourself 100℅ in one temperament, but there is one that expresses itself most in you. ☁️If God wanted us to be balanced in all four temperaments, he would have done so. He didn't make us dependent on others. God needs a red 🌹, a yellow🌻, a bleu☄️, a green ☘️ to carry out his plans. 🌪️He needs reds to lead the way, blues to analyze, explain. Yellows to put people at ease, he needs greens too. 📖🌪️Proverbes 30:11-14 Pr 30:11 There is a race that curses its father, And does not bless its mother. Pr 30:12 He is a race that thinks itself pure, And is not washed from its defilement. Pr 30:13 He is a race whose eyes are haughty, and whose eyelids are...