He is the rewarder of those who seek him

🚨 *Testimony* 🚨

*Hello family, how are we*

Here is my testimony👇🏼.


My big sister was inspired to go and visit Daddy together (all of his children) in order to make his heart happy since it was his wish.

So we went last Saturday.

I prayed God for the angelic procession and the Christ ton inter into Dad's house once we will be there.

When we went into his room, he couldn't believe it. He was happy as a baby. He cried with joy.

He prayed for us. We got on our knees, we got the prayers, the prophecies (wow).

We talked about religion as usual.

Dad and my older brother who are for Vodoun and we on our side who are for Jesus Christ.

 So, Dad asked us to come back to wash (do the rituals)...

I told him that I would not do it. Jesus is the witness and I belong to him. *he understood*.

He asked if I was a pastor. I said yes, I am a pastor, I have the pastoral call and that my husband is a pastor (whom I don't know yet)

So he started calling me Pastor, him and my older brother...

 We brought him wine as a present.

To taunt us, he asked us to bring wine to drink the blood of Christ.

So I said, since we are going to drink the blood of Christ, we will pray.

He agreed and was ready. No resistance. No resistance at all.

We took the wine in our glasses.

And I prayed.

When I prayed, he was uncomfortable, he moved.

I prayed and declared that Jesus had entered him. I spoke in tongues.

Dad was touched, seized by the Holy Spirit.

*Dad wept*

 He was seized by the Spirit.

When we finished, we drank the wine, we clapped I think.

*I know that there, Dad received the Lord.

*he said "you got me".

We said yes.

When people came to visit him, he introduced me as Pastor.

*She is our pastor.

My brother would say Pastota (to the head)

Papa, who refused to let us come and pray on his grave, said that the military will come to do their part, his vodoun people, the pastors will also come to pray (my husband and I)

He told me that I can only marry a pastor. I said yes.

He said that there are pastors who come to wash (rituals) at his house but that it is because they are not called.

I said yes, if you're not called, it won't work.

I told him that Jesus Christ is in him, he said nothing

 My older brother said we should pray before leaving.

Everyone agreed.

My brother was really anointed (he's the one who helps Dad with the vodouns, right)

So, before the prayer, Dad told his spiritual record

1- he made an alliance with the water queen

2- he was celestial

-he made Christ reborn




In my heart I said, *Jesus has already caught you ooh

 My brother showed him a video on forgiveness.

My father didn't want to listen because it affected him.

But he listened to it all, he cried.

*He said that he forgives all those who offended him.

That he loves us.

*In the Spirit, Dad said that he asks God* *for forgiveness for his faults. May he forgive him as he forgave those who trespassed against him.

*The closing prayer*

My brother insisted again on the closing prayer. I was already praying for it to happen before the driver came to pick us up.

There was a guest who came to visit him.

At the time of the prayer, dad asked her to come to the real prayer.

I asked him to hold my hand.

I held his hand. My big sister kept his other hand.

Before my prayer, he said that he will pray first.

In his prayer, he called upon the name of Jesus first.

I began with whorship

*We lift up your name, you are glorious, wonderful, worthy of praise, Jesus your name is lifted up.

When I started, Dad started to move, he was not comfortable anymore.

Inspired, I said, Jesus is our master, the only authority in our lives. Dad cried.

I laughed in the Spirit.

Really pushed, I cried, I laughed.

*I forgive you my son, I love you with an eternal love, you belong to me.

Dad cried.

At the end, he said to me "I am proud of you".

 Jesus got Daddy.

I have a strong conviction that Daddy got Christ.

I remember PP's prophecy on the night of the crossing.

*All those for whom you have prayed will come to Christ effortlessly.

My Father who always said he was going to die now says he is going to live.

It's like a dream.

I'm just happy.

Our prayers are bearing fruit.

*I know now that Jesus lives in Dad.

He can do anything he wants, Jesus has caught him.

I told him that Jesus lives in him, he didn't say anything.

He was really happy.

I pray that God will do him good and that he will fully manifest his destiny.

May he be strengthened in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mathilda Adjoudjènon


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