💥 Abundant life from 31/01/2023💥

Many people are in a form of disillusionment because they learn, listen (to teachings) but don't necessarily see change in their lives.

This disillusionment is a form of deep frustration especially when you see that it works for those who are next to you.

But often God has nothing to do with it. Sometimes even the devil has nothing to do with it.

(We use this as an excuse.)

Often, there is so much mysticism about things that are wrong.

Everything is accomplished. On the basis of all is accomplished, the big part comes from you.

Excuses, complaints...

Far too many of God's children do not maximize what God has already given them.

They are in a kind of fatalism.

The failures of fathers have become the truths of sons.

The Lord is coming for a church that is strong, that has prepared itself, that looks like Him. Not a church on the ground.

Will not dominate the one who sings: *"decade of dominion "*

To him who has shall be given, and he shall have abundance.

🔥Matthew 25:29

The master does not grasp the fact that the servant gives him the talent intact.

Make sure you die "empty" (keep nothing of what God has given us, empty everything)

The graveyard is full of talents because so many things have not been realized because of fear.

The greatest sluggards are the active ones doing what they are not called to do.

You sweated all month, moved all month for what purpose?

You can be active and do nothing.

God's complaint bureau has had too many complaints and sometimes unwarranted ones.

Stopping and taking inventory of your abilities can change your life, bring you into your destiny.

You are stuffed with abilities.

There is a scientist who said we have at least 500 abilities.

Being able to read is an ability.

If you don't see it as an ability, you won't use it.

The one who reads 12 books in 2022 and keeps this momentum in 2032 ends up with 120 books compared to the one who reads 2 books a year. He ends up with more knowledge.

Abundance does not come through the miracle.

Provision can come through the miracle but not abundance.

Abundance comes from what you do with the provision you receive.

When the Lord multiplies the loaves, He shows that provision comes through the miracle.

But when He says harvest the rest, He is teaching stewardship.

It is a miracle that you have life, but what do you do with that life? What are you doing with the grace of God in YOUR life?

Paul said that the grace of God was not sterile in his life.

Grace is sterile when everything is there but nothing is seen.

Some people think they have nothing. This is an insult to the creator.

What do you have and what do you do with what you have?

💥 Genesis 2:5 And when the LORD God made an earth and heavens, there was not yet any shrub of the field upon the earth, neither was there any herb of the field yet springing up: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, neither was there any man to till the ground.

💥 Genesis 2:6 But there went up a vapour from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

There are destinies that are in vapor mode.

Until there are men to cultivate the ground, the Lord does not release.

We can think that David was born out of wedlock. Besides, he was the last one.

So when Samuel came to his father, David was forgotten.

David was despised.

What a handicap!

He was young (the King saw him as a child)

He was not from a royal family, had no particular education.

He was not an official warrior, a recognized soldier in Saul's army, but we see what he became.

Someone has to stop tiring people with his complaints.

You have to get out of the complaining mentality.

Too many people stay focused on what is no longer.

Some truths to understand.

1- *∆* You are not responsible for where you start in life.

No one chose their country, their family, their skin color.

Bless the Lord from where you started.

It doesn't matter where you started.

Bless the Lord for your family.

We don't all start at the same level.

Some start with ease, others with difficulty.

*Jesus himself started in a cowshed. The Savior, the One to whom the gold and silver belong.

*He grew in grace and wisdom before God and men. Luke 2:52

He began somewhere and grew.

2- *∆* Your destiny is not determined by your starting point in life.

*&* Some people started out with an advantageous starting point and ended up badly.

*&* You can move on to a better life.

The better life does not depend on God, it depends on you.

3- *∆* You can trade what you have for what you want.

*&* Be aware of what you have.

*&* You have everything you need for this life.

The Lord has deposited everything you need in you.

*When the Lord reconciled you with Daddy, He reconciled you with your graces.

Parents, do things differently.

Your children are unique.

Look for what they can do, what they like to do. Identify their gifts and encourage them with wisdom and balance.

What are you doing with your time?

What are you trading your time for?

He who is serious about his life is serious about his time.

Time is life.

What is the area in which you would like to progress?

Everything is available.

Did you know that there are free tutorials in the areas you want to learn?

*Use your internet package for useful things.

Copy and do better than others.

Go online and pull out Beninese recipes that you know. Learn other recipes.

Expand yourself, broaden yourself.

You should trade your time to learn, to become better at what you do, to work on your grace.

What are you trading your money for?

100% of what comes in should not go into expenses.  

You have to exchange the money you have with something you can use.

4 *∆* God will always provide the opportunities you need.

Goliath was an opportunity for David.

Opportunities sometimes come in disguise.

Esther's opportunity came in the form of death.

Joseph found his opportunity in prison.

Joseph manifested broad love in prison.

People are drawn to you, you connect with people very quickly *that's a grace.*

Even if Joseph had done nothing, the cupbearer would get out but he would not even remember Joseph.

*What are you doing with your unemployment time?

Do you spend most of your time on Tik Tok? Playing PlayStation?

In life, the number doesn't matter. What matters is the value you put into it.

Keep moving. From where you are, move!

Make sure you get in the right motion.

You'll notice that yesterday you were unique, but now some people have caught up with you, because you haven't evolved.

What did you learn in January that you didn't know?

👌🏼In life, you either move forward or backward.

Opportunities often come to those who are prepared.

Some relationships come to those who have leveled up.

🙌🏼 Jesus said it will be given, not God will give. So even your enemies can give to you.

👌🏼 There is this dimension where God wants to bring you into abundance because you have.

👂🏽You want to be in abundance? Start with what you have.

👂🏽Ask God what is this grace, this capacity behind which your abundance is hidden.

*Your life becomes exciting because you notice that what you need is within you.

*∆* Some experts say that to become an expert in your field, you have to spend at least 10,000 hours in it.

Stretching myself, getting out of my comfort zone.

*You become the image of what you are exposing yourself to.

👌🏼Keep going until it sprouts.

*∆* We can only show you the way but we can't walk through the door with you.

👌🏼Stoping blaming people for what you don't have.

🔥Give thanks to God for what you do have.


*∆* They wanted to force David to follow the established rules but David fought with his own weapon and in his own way.

*∆* The bridge between dream and achievement is discipline.

It's hard at first but it becomes a habit as you progress in it.

*∆* It is God who gave you the foundation and what He gave you will be added to because you will have worked it.

👌🏼When you decide to work on your abilities, His grace allows you to move forward.


🙏🏼Lord, we want to end up in glory, wherever you take us.

🙏🏼Thanks that you give us the grace to work on our abilities.

🙏🏼We do not want to be among those who are taken away.

🙏🏼We rather want to be part of those who are multiplied.

*Pastor Teddy Ngbanda*


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