Refresh me Jesus

🎼You are Yahweh oooooo, you are Yahweh.🎼

*Hello to you. May happiness be your share now and forever.*

💥Yes, I will refresh those who are weary; I will give all that is needed to those who have no strength."
Jeremiah 31:25 PDV2017

🙏🏼Thank you Dad for this comforting word.

Yes I believe you refresh me when I am exhausted.
You refresh my mind, my soul and my body.
You strengthen me.
You lift me up, you equip me, you support me, you speak to me.

To you who are reading this message and are distraught, confused, and down, know that God sees what you are going through and wants to help you.

He is never far from his beloved ones.
You will notice that every time you are going through a situation, you will receive a word of comfort in that sense.

You will see words of comfort on social media about your situation; verses that remind you of God's promises.

You'll see someone come to you and give you a word of hope or a solution.

God even speaks to you internally and reassures you.

Or he raises someone who knows you or who doesn't even know you to intercede for you.

Just be attentive to his voice.

When we cry out to God, he always answers us.

*God is faithful. When he says, he does.

🎼Refresh me O Jesus refresh me. 🎼



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