His thoughts are above ours

🎼Without warning, my life took on a new meaning. Without warning, you changed everything 🎼

💥For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways, Says the LORD.

Isaiah 55:8 LSG

The Lord declares, "Your thoughts are not my thoughts, My ways are not your ways.

Isaiah 55:8 PDV2017💥

It is very clear that our thoughts are not your thoughts, our ways are not yours, our plans are not your plans.

I had my plans, my projects but you broke them because they didn't come from you.

Many times I wanted to leave certain places where I felt uncomfortable but you blocked me because it was part of your plan.

Sometimes I had to resist your will, your plans for me but you always won.

I wanted to stay in certain places where I felt comfortable but you relocated me.

I had my own way of operating, my own thoughts, my own vision, but you broke it all.

I understand and recognize that you are my master.

Your thoughts and ways are above mine.

Sometimes we can know God's will but we resist because it doesn't suit us.

Holy Spirit, help us to submit to the will of God.

It hurts but I still want it.

It is a grace for me when you impose your will on me.

I desire to align myself with your way.

I surrender and submit.

Do with my life what you want my Father, my Spouse, my King, my Master.

Let your ways be mine, your plans be mine. Amen to that!

🙇🏼‍♀️Honnor, glory, praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We thank God for his work in humanity. Thank you for your reign in humanity.

Your reign in these countries 👇🏼

1. Afghanistan (Pashtu-dari)

2. South Africa (English)

3. Albania (Albanian)

4. Algeria (Arabic)

5. Germany (German)

6. Andorra (Catalan)

7. Angola (Portuguese)

8. Antigua and Barbuda (English)

9. Saudi Arabia (Arabic)

10. Argentina (Spanish)

💥 *2023*, year of glory and manifestation of God's purposes for your life and for humanity.



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