The true leader is the one who serves others.

🎼We bless you Almighty God. You are alive and coming back.🎼

💥It shall not be so among you. But whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant; and whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave. So the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:26-28 LSG

Yes, the Lord has shown us the example.

Even though he is the Almighty, he served us, he cared for us, he taught us, he received the punishment that was in store for us.

He prayed for us. He shared his knowledge with us and he even said that we will do more than he did.

We were not sent to this earth to rule over others.

We came to serve, to give, to transform, to stretch, to positively challenge, to make a difference in the lives of others.

A good leader does not pull, does not put down, does not denigrate, does not insult, does not minimize others. On the contrary, he sees others above himself.

It's not nice to try to impose yourself on others.

The true leader exudes something that naturally commands respect.

The true leader sets the example to follow. He shows the way, he breathes truth and life.

The leader is someone you can rely on, he is an advisor.

A leader inspires peace, love, protection, he pays the price for his collaborators.

Thank you for showing us the example Lord.

Help us to be good leaders, good examples to follow.

🙇🏼‍♀️Honor, glory, praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We thank God for his work in humanity. Thank you for your reign in humanity.

Your reign in these countries


21. Belize (English)

22. Benin (French)

23. Bhutan (Dzonkha)

24. Belarus (Belarusian-Russian)

25. Burma (Burmese)

26. Bolivia (Spanish)

27. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian)

28. Botswana (English)

29. Brazil (Portuguese)

30. Brunei (Malay)

💥 *2023*, year of glory and manifestation of God's purposes for your life and for humanity.



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