My life is Christ

🎼I want Christ fully formed in me.🎼

𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨

💥I have been crucified with Christ; and if I live, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; if I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.

Galatians 2:20 LSG

I get it ooh.

I no longer belong to myself.

It's not me living anymore oh because if I'm still living, I'll only do my desires, my plans will come first and God's work behind.

If I still live, I will think of myself first, I will pray when I want, I will not necessarily pray for others, I will sleep when and how I want, I will eat how I want, I will choose the company where to work without having God's opinion, I will make all my plans based on my feelings.

If I lived for myself, I wouldn't worry too much about all those who are lost, I would say: I am already saved and that's fine.

If I lived for me, I would go where I want, stay where I want and do what I want.

But I don't live anymore, it's Christ who lives in me by his spirit and it's him who takes all the decisions concerning my destiny.

He decides where I work (even if it is not easy sometimes), who I will marry (he will make the right choice), what country I will move to. He decides my appeal (even if I run away, he will bring me back).

Since he is the one who lives, then I leave my character aside to manifest his character.

Since he is the one who lives, his nature must be visible in me.

I am a Christian, I am Christ, so Christ must be visible in me.

He gave himself up for me, he paid my ransom with his blood, so I belong to him.

I belong to my master.

As he is, so am I.


Lord, help me to fade away so that you can be fully seen.

Let not my feelings take over.

I have decided to give you my life. This would mean that it no longer belongs to me (even though it never really did).

🎼Take my life, shape it, I give you everything 🎼

Lord, you know it's not easy to die so that you live in and through us. It's not easy huh but "it's not by force, nor by power but by your Spirit who helps us to do it."

Glory to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 🙌🏼

🎼Take my life, transform it. Take my heart, restore it, my mind and change it. Do it, do it, Lord.🎼



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