Let me admire your glory

🎼Spirit of God, come among us. Glorify Jesus in our midst. We want to see your power, speak your power, manifest your power, Jesus.🎼

💥And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we beheld his glory, a glory like the glory of the only Son from the Father.

John 1:14 LSG✨

Yes, you dwelt as a human on earth out of love for us. Jesus, you were full of grace and truth. You are grace and truth.

The disciples saw your glory.

Now we do not see you physically but you live in us full of grace and truth.

And we can constantly contemplate your glory that is your beauty, your life, your peace, your joy, your power, your wealth, your holiness, your greatness, your gentleness, your love, your splendor, your wisdom, your understanding, your strength....

O what a grace, what a privilege to have you in me, you the light that enlightens the world.

It is not that I will wait for the moment of seeing you to contemplate your glory, I have you constantly in me. 🥰

You know what Lord? I admire you for who you are. Despite coming into this corrupt world, you have remained equal to yourself *grace and truth*.

You manifested that nature among your followers when you were on earth and you manifest it now in us. 😍😍😍

I love to contemplate you, I love to admire you, I love to love you, I love to make declarations of love to you.

*Declaration of love*

You are beautiful my beloved.

You are radiant my King.

Your splendor dazzles me my Prince.

Your strength fascinates me my Husband.

Your power reassures me my Warrior.

Your glory attracts me my God.

O, I love you.


🎼Ô my beloved, you are the most beautiful among thousands of thousands. Yeshua....🎼



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