You are my identity

🎼You saved my soul. I will never be the same again.

My response is *hallelujah* to you my savior, *hallelujah* 🎼

*Hello to you divine creature*

💥 Stay attached to me, as I stay attached to you. A branch cannot bear fruit on its own, it must remain on the vine. In the same way, you cannot bear fruit, if you do not remain attached to me. "I am the vine, you are the branches. If anyone remains attached to me as I am attached to him, he bears much fruit. For without me you can do nothing.

John 15:4-5 PDV2017✨

Yes, you have said it all Lord.

What good fruit can we give if we do not remain attached to you?

Our inspirations, our projects, our works, our gifts, our gentleness, our smile, our love, our preaching, our prophecies, our evangelism, the miracles produced through us, our choices, our studies, our businesses, our home, our job......will be of bad quality.

What good can we do without you?

You are our source, our marker, *our identity.*

We are nothing and worthless without you.

Nothing has any meaning without you.

People can applaud our works, but if you don't applaud, it's useless.

Our fruits will have no weight in eternity if you are not the source.

Keep me attached to you my savior, my master, my king, my life, my essence, my wisdom, my glory, my sweetness.

🎼I want to stay there before your face, I want to stay there close to you.

Stay there my King. 🎼

I want to learn from you.

Since you are attached to me, I want to stay attached to you too.

🎼The most beautiful love story is in you my savior.🎼

🙇🏼‍♀️Honor, glory, praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

*Important* Let us always pray for our pastors, for this huge task that the Lord has entrusted them.

Let us pray for our churches, that the glory of God may reign there.

Let us pray for the authorities, for humanity.

*Let us also* live a good life. It is not the length of life that counts, but rather what we will have done with this life.

We thank God for his work in humanity. Thank you for your reign in humanity.

Let us pray for nations attached to God.

💥 *2023*, year of glory and manifestation of God's purposes for your life and for humanity.

Reminder: It is good to exercise physically. Do the sport. 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏼‍♂️



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