I am free in Christ.

🎼Holy, holy, holy, holy. Holy is the Lord.🎼

*Hello, hello redeemed.e of God.* 😍

🎼Free, I am free. Free to worship you.🎼

💥There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1 LSG

O, what magnificently wonderful news!

When Adam sinned, he gave everything to Satan ( the riches of the world and even power over his own life and the lives of humans).

Humans were condemned and the demons were given full freedom to possess them, oppress them, abuse them, steal from them, cause them to sin, offend God and even kill them.

Humans were under the condemnation of sin (sexual debauchery, lying, stealing, drugs, slander, jealousy, prostitution, masturbation, pride, greed, disease (stroke, myoma, fibroma, ulcer, cancer ....), all evils.

But, Jesus the Christ, God who became a man shed his blood and redeemed humanity.

*what a love 😍🌹💥

❤️🙅‍♂️😍The pure, sinless blood of Jesus broke the chains of death, sin, condemnation.

When we accept this sacrifice, when we accept Christ as our master, and his Spirit merges with ours, we receive the remission of sins committed, we are delivered from eternal death, the powers of darkness no longer have power over us.

We become free men in Christ.

We are no longer slaves to sin, death, fear, poverty, guilt, the wiles of the devil.

◄ Luke 10:19 ►

Behold, I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We are free and powerful in Christ.

O Father, help us to realize our nature as Christians.

May the veil that prevents us from seeing our freedom be torn away in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for the salvation of all mankind.

Thank you for the freedom in Christ which is shared by all men because we have accepted to submit to Christ.

Thank you for your servants, your children, the authorities at various levels who are free.

Glory and praise to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for all your loving Dad.

*Mathilda Adjoudjènon*


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