I want to sow in order to reap

🎼Father, we adore you, Father, we adore you, we adore you, we adore you.🎼 *Hello generous person with a big heart* ☘️🌹 👇🏼I firmly believe this verse is for someone. In any case, it's for me. 📖💥Let us not grow weary in doing what is good, for we shall reap in due season, if we do not slacken. Galatians 6:9 NBS Sometimes we wonder why we do good, what good is it if it doesn't change our condition. Sometimes we'd just like to take care of ourselves and leave others. When those towards whom we show kindness betray us, want to take advantage of us......we're disappointed. Many have given up on doing good and tell themselves there's no point. But let me tell you, God doesn't owe anyone anything. He blesses the benefactor in every way. He blesses him financially, healthily, materially, in many ways. God does this to givers 👇🏼 📖📖📖📖📖📖💥💥💥💥💥 2 Corinthians 9:8-15 PDV2017 God has the power to give you all kinds of blessings in abundance. So you'll always have everything you need, and you'll still have enough to do good deeds. The Holy Books say, "He gives generously to the poor, his goodness endures forever." It is God who gives the seeds to the sower and the bread for food. He will give the seeds to you too, multiplying them and making them grow. So your goodness will produce much fruit. God will make you rich in a thousand ways, and you'll be able to be very generous. Then many will thank God for the gifts we give them on your behalf. With this offering, you are doing the Christians of Jerusalem a service. In this way, you are giving them what they need. What's more, you're encouraging them all to thank God from the bottom of their hearts. You show that you are obeying the Good News of Christ. You generously share what you have, with the Christians in Jerusalem and with everyone else. Because of all this, they will recognize the value of this service and give glory to God. God has given you great blessings in abundance. For this, they will show their love by praying for you. Thank God for his extraordinary blessings! 2 Corinthians 9:8-15 PDV2017 ☘️Lord, give us the strength to keep on sowing. You sowed and reaped many children. ☘️We want to sow in order to reap abundantly. *May abundance be your portion in the name of Jesus Christ. *Mathilda Adjoudjènon*


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