Know yourself better to succeed with others

💥🌻Know yourself better to succeed with others🌻💥

 The four basic or dominant temperament types

🌪️ There is no best temperament.

Every temperament has its strengths and weaknesses.

💨A temperament makes you predictable.

You can be manipulated when you don't realize the weaknesses of your dominant temperament.

🌫️ You won't find yourself 100℅ in one temperament, but there is one that expresses itself most in you.

☁️If God wanted us to be balanced in all four temperaments, he would have done so.

He didn't make us dependent on others.

God needs a red 🌹, a yellow🌻, a bleu☄️, a green ☘️ to carry out his plans.

🌪️He needs reds to lead the way, blues to analyze, explain.

Yellows to put people at ease, he needs greens too.

📖🌪️Proverbes 30:11-14

Pr 30:11 There is a race that curses its father, And does not bless its mother.

Pr 30:12 He is a race that thinks itself pure, And is not washed from its defilement.

Pr 30:13 He is a race whose eyes are haughty, and whose eyelids are lifted up.

Pr 30:14 They are a race whose teeth are swords and whose jaws are knives, to devour the poor of the earth and the needy among men.

❄️Verse 11

The race of people who always question everything.

❄️Verse 12

They think they're pure

❄️Verse 13

They like to think big

❄️Verse 14

 The Bible tells you about the four types of temperament that exist.

The dominant traits of four personality types.

❄️Verse 11

The father is authority.

They often see the flaw, find it hard to celebrate progress.

Eternal dissatisfaction.

It's the blue, the melancholic.

❄️Verse 12

The phlegmatic who appears to be calm on the outside but lives challenges on the inside.

He always has a thought.

A precise, concise idea about something but doesn't say.

They need to be shaken up.

Just because someone doesn't speak doesn't mean they have nothing to say.


❄️Verse 13

They're the proud ones.

They want to be the most famous people on the planet.

They meddle in everything and love to be elevated.

They know everyone on the planet.

They're phlegmatic.

Very relational, very efficient.


❄️Verse 14

The attitude of angry people.

They can be perceived as cruel people.

They can tip over into dictatorship if not led by the Holy Spirit.


☘️The green, phlegmatic don't like a fuss.

🌪️They ask forgiveness even when they're not wrong.

So much in pursuit of peace.

People see this as weakness, but it's not.


Always striving for perfection.

🌻Yellow, Bloody

The apostle Peter.

They start but then stop.

They talk a lot.

They'll sell you the dream only that in action, they don't deliver.

Don't give the lead to the sanguine.

🌪️It should be given to the red or blue, but the blue needs a kick from the red.

🌹The reds still feel capable.

We're going to conquer Benin. They say "yes Pasta we can".

☄️The blue will analyze.

🌻Yellow will dance but won't go.

Green, if he's with you, he'll go, if he doesn't want to, he won't.


☄️Bleu: phlegmatic perfectionist

 ☘️and green: peaceful felgmatist

They live things intensely.


🌻Yellow: sanguine

🌹Red: choleric

🌹Red: picks you up and moves on.

He doesn't hold grudges.

He tells you the truth and laughs with you. He's already forgotten what he told you.


☘️green 🌻yellow

They take care of the person before they take care of the task.


🌹Red and ☄️bleu

They want to know if the task has been completed before they worry about your health.

That doesn't mean they don't like people.

🌪️You have people around a table and coffee is being poured.

Some people will be interested in the person, others will say, with the money we've spent.

🌻☘️ It is not a challenge for yellow and green to show they like people but have a challenge to finish tasks.

You have to force them.


 🌹The blues and reds need to show that they love people intentionally.

They need to work on that.


🌻 Sanguine, the popular yellow

Very person-oriented, warm, interested in people, gets to know people quickly. Curious, adventurous, sets the mood.

When you're sad, they set the mood.

Ebullient, likes to attract attention.

Likes to attract with bright colors. Doesn't like to go unnoticed.

Sanguine, when the Holy Spirit touches them just a little, they get carried away.

Tends to make everything fun.

Always wants an extravagant touch.

Always wants something extra special.

Likes to exaggerate.

They'll sell you the dream.

If you want a movie, call the sanguine.

The red one will tell you in two words what happened during an accident.

The yellow one goes around the world first.

When you're dealing with a sanguine, either God works on your patience and ability to listen, or you reframe it.

They take 10mins to say what you can say in 2mins.

There's a fine line between truth and lies.

It's a challenge for the yellow person to correct, to set limits.


They have no challenge to love.

Make friends easily.

They don't like inactivity.

They need to move.

They don't judge people; they give second and third chances, unlike blues.


Like to have attention

Love to be known to be there.

They wear strong perfumes.

Can be spendthrift because they feel the urge to assert themselves.

Very disorganized, messy.

Before going to a yellow, warn him or her.

You'll get the impression that it's a world war at his or her place, but he or she ends up ooohing and ahhing.

Undisciplined with food and money.

He doesn't plan.

He forgets a lot.

They don't do it on purpose.

They may promise you something now and forget it later.

They tend to make a lot of promises.

You promise a lot and accomplish little.

Why do they make a lot of promises? They like to please.

They like to take it all on the chin.

Learn to say no because it backfires (you yellow).

They have trouble finishing what they start.

 They are very unstable in their feelings. Lack firmness.

📖biblical example

It's Pierre.

It was almost always Pierre who took the floor.

Who do you say I am?

People say that...,.......

He tells the Lord that he is ready to die for him.

Then he says he doesn't know him.

Peter, where's your courage?

A woman made him deny Jesus three times.

When you're a yellow, don't be afraid.

Go to the Lord with your weaknesses.

Jesus washes everyone's feet and Peter refuses.

But when Jesus tells him he won't have any pars with him, he says to wash his hands and head.

They are in excess

One of their favorite verse

📖🌪️Esaïe 60:1

Is 60:1 Arise, be enlightened, for your light is coming, And the glory of the Lord is rising upon you.


 𝙍ed 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

 He usually knows a little bit about what he wants.

He is intentional in what he does.

Sister, when a red offers you something, appreciate it.

I took my dad to a store.

I chose a yellow shoe for my mother.

We gave it to her, and she wore it from memory just once.

When you want to give gifts, get to know tastes.

Another time, I went to the store and bought my wife something. She didn't like it.

When you're a red my brother, buy what she likes so you don't get upset.

Red can be perceived as cruel.

Reds, be careful what you say because you can hurt people easily.

They don't ask for people's opinions.

He'll ask politely, otherwise they'll already have their minds made up.

He's a natural leader.

He's factual. He wants facts. He wants concrete, concise stuff.

They always want to do things better.

They're always improving.

Very goal-oriented.

Likes a challenge. He likes to take things seriously.

He needs to understand that we're having fun.

When you want to joke, explain it to him.

He's not comfortable when there's no challenge.

He'll change churches when there's no challenge.

He'll go for it before he thinks, but that's a problem.

In his relationship with God, he'll have a problem.

He needs to learn to listen to God.

He needs people who will give him the details.

He doesn't give up easily.

He's almost fearless.

Problem-solving oriented.

Can delegate tasks.

Often knows his place in the team.

They're the attackers, the ones who lead the way to the goal.

They hardly ever rest.

They always have an agenda, always something to do, always goals to achieve.


Perceived as a person who dominates others, at the extreme of ditacteurs.

Will tend to crush people if they don't have the Holy Spirit.

Does not take into account the emotions of others.

Often thinks his way is the best way.

Learn not to be right all the time.

This is a person with strong opinions and convictions.

He's not quick to subscribe to an ideology.

When he's with you, he's with you.

He's not necessarily sympathetic.

He's not very sympathetic.

His priority is not to shoot with you, but to see God's purposes fulfilled in their lives.

He doesn't like to associate with unsuccessful people.

He needs something from you.

He likes to be challenged, otherwise he'll give up on you.

He doesn't like people who don't move.

They can come across as aggressive at times, even arrogant.

One of their challenges is humility.

He has to cultivate humility intentionally.

He's willing to put aside people who don't share his goal.

Friendship is not about work.

📖🌪️Biblical example Apostle Paul

Paul parting ways with Mark.

This temperament isn't perfect, but God needs it.

It was Paul who went before the Kings.

He was a man of strong conviction, was ready to put to death all believers who proclaimed Christianity.

I pray that the Lord will recover all the Reds who are in the enemy's camp.

Despite his chains in prison, he is preoccupied with finishing the race.

Even when he's sick, he works.

A courageous person who has no time to dwell on his fate.

He delegates and organizes assignments. He's prolific.

Hard workers.

Red doesn't like to negotiate.

They're furious with demons.

📖🌪️red's favorite verse

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.


  𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙛𝙞c green

Very pleasant to live with because it almost never takes a stand.

He's neither hot nor cold, he's in the middle.

He won't say, I'm against, I'm for.

They temper things.

Phlegmatics, when you're dealing with demons, don't negotiate.

Send the green ones to negotiate.

They're peaceful, they negotiate.

They don't like fights, stressful situations, urgency, they take their time to get things done.

"Don't stress me, don't pressure me".

They like to do things their own way.

They don't like the presence of reds because they put pressure on them.

They often need to be pushed, encouraged, motivated.

They don't often take the initiative, but are very capable.

They're part of the team but don't put themselves forward.

You have to find them.

They have that hidden, mysterious, precious stone side.

His favorite phrase.

Everything comes at the right time for those who know how to wait in part.

"I'll do it in my own time, don't force me.

When your wife is green, be careful, she may get married in 2035. She'll never be in a hurry to get married. "we've got plenty of time, let's worship the Lord, let's get to know each other"

Brother, you'd better speed things up.

Zen is green. They're zen.

Often motivated to do people a favor.

Attached to people and loyal.

They're people-oriented.

When they're comfortable in their own backwater, they're willing to stay put.

They're happy where they are.

They're not too into leadership.

They're good listeners.

They're reserved.

Sister, when you have a green brother, it's hard for him to say "I love you."

They don't express their emotions.

They internalize their anger, but the day it comes out, you have to run away.

They have to intentionally work on forgiveness, learning to set people free quickly.

They don't like change, but adapt quickly.

Prefer to repeat the same things as long as the routine doesn't bother them.

The green person is not the one who will propose the new, but can accept and accommodate it.

They have few enemies because they avoid confrontation.

They don't like to please everyone.

They have difficulty making decisions.

They can be stubborn.

They don't show their position, but it's what's on their mind that they do.

They can be stubborn.

When a green gets in your way, it's serious.

You have to talk to them, talk a lot, because they're into diplomacy.

They're slow to get going, but when they do, they're magnificent.

They procrastinate.

📖🌪️Biblical example

Father Abraham

He is persuaded by Sarah and goes to Hagar.

He negotiates during the conflict between Sarah and Hagar.

Lot was blessed and enriched by his association with Abraham.

Your life expands when you get to know certain people.

The day Lot left Abraham, the problems began.

If you go right, I'll go left.

Wherever someone has to be beaten up, phlegmatic people will find extenuating circumstances.

They make good intercessors, and know how to bring people before God.

Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah.

Abraham is loyal.

He faces four kings for Lot.

📖🌪️ Preferred verse

Romans 12:18

Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, be at peace with all men.


 🧢☄️💧 𝘽𝙡𝙪e 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩

Likes lists.

Are in no hurry to open their space to others.

Will analyze you before accepting you into his space.

They like sobriety.

They like to go unnoticed.

Sometimes, they're right next to you and you're talking about them.

They like to stay behind in church.

There's no time for socializing.

As soon as you say amen, they're out the door.

They don't feel the need to talk with people.

He can easily become depressed.

You have to be very intentional with the joy you bruise.

Learn to laugh at your mistakes.

Stop taking things too much to heart.

It gives you heart attacks.

Take life on the bright side.

Quit being too serious.

It often descends into the meanders of its emotions.

He can have an artistic side.

He dislikes risk-taking.

 You need to study temperaments to understand others better.

When a Blue wants to invest his money........ He'll draw up a business plan, budget and market study.

When a blue person orders from you and the change is 135f, please bring him the 135f.

Blue doesn't joke with numbers. He's meticulous.

They're good treasurers.

Very meticulous and good with money.

Melancholic people aren't happy when things aren't going well.

Blue people see the world differently.

Every color sees the world differently.

For blues, the world is perfect.

When you move his object, put it back in the same place.

They're great architects.

Do you want your house leaning sideways?

They like things that require calculations to the nearest milimeter.

Audit, NASA...... Blues.

The melancholic will often be melancholic because things aren't planned, ordered.

The world is not blue.

They often have problems with human relations.

He likes to work alone, where at least he's sure of what he's doing.

He can notice when the order of things has changed.

They don't like it when the pattern changes.

They make good pilots.

Who wants to get on a plane where the pilot is yellow? He'll change his mind at any moment.

The melancholic is a great thinker.

He doesn't like injustice.

They're too afraid to make mistakes.

They're afraid of being perceived as incompetent.

They don't like to be criticized for their work.

They master procedures in advance.

They like procedures.

They don't like to skip steps and save themselves in certain areas of life.

They express their feelings more through actions and facial language.

They can be unkind in their attitude.

They're quick to pigeonhole you when you've changed.

When he's disappointed, he's disappointed for a long time.

They need to develop Compassion and Mercy.

He is self-critical and hard on himself.

He has trouble forgiving.

They have a revengeful streak.

Tend to take revenge.

He may take you back for something you did to him 10 years ago.

He needs to cultivate forgiveness

📖🌪️Biblical example


God entrusts him with the reproduction of the tabernacle.

He destroyed the Table of Commandments, which took him 40 days of fasting.

They take things too personally.

He struck the rock Moses several times.

His father-in-law rebuked him for judging the people alone.

He doesn't know how to delegate.

He killed an Egyptian to save a Jew because he doesn't like injustice.

They defend causes.

Moses complained about his shortcomings.

There are no good or bad temperaments.

Go before God with the weaknesses of your temperament.

Let your strengths and weaknesses be modulated by God.

❓If you find yourself in more than one temperament


The four temperaments are found in all men, but two are more visible.

Blue can develop red traits and vice versa.

 ❓I'm a red, I know where I'm going, but I have to take other people's opinions into account how do I do that?

You have to learn to listen.

Be humble and see the details.

Weigh and analyze each other's proposals.

What you think isn't necessarily what is.

Paul was twice blocked by the Holy Spirit.

The Lord had no problem blinding him to calm him down completely.

God is above temperaments.

❓I'm task-oriented but I don't like it when the atmosphere is tense.

I shoot with the authorities when they don't understand.

You have to detect the temperament of the authorities.

A red who likes to make people cry and is capitalist, unconverted will be very cruel.

To dominate this kind of authority, you have to pray by the Spirit.

When the Lord puts people with different temperaments around you, it's to work on your weaknesses.

❓When the red personality is developed and even though we change, it leaves a bad image of us.

It sticks to us.

I don't know how to be false, I'm raw and I've understood that it's not the right way to be.

Is there any way of letting go of this personality?


We don't choose a personality.

God gives us a dominant temperament to use in a field.

We must keep our strengths and hand over our weaknesses to God.

You have to be true, but in love.

It's easier to hang around with a personality you don't like because you haven't learned to accept it.

You have to accept and know that the Lord loves you just as you are, so that you can work at it.

❓Two people with the same temperaments who are in a relationship.


Someone can start life as a go-getter, become very angry and then turn into a melancholic.

The solution to going further with the Lord is to realize that there are things to restore in the soul.

First, accept that nobody is perfect in your walk.

Temperament changes with the seasons.

❓I'm very meticulous with money and my household.

Your husband will do well to entrust you with money management if he's not blue.

You need to learn to let go.

You won't be able to enjoy life if you're too meticulous.

𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩or 𝙅𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙚 𝘿𝙞𝙚𝙪 𝘿𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙡𝙤𝙪


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