God full of love for me delivers me at anytime

🎼I want to live for you, for you alone.🎼

*Hello 🌹🪹*💥❤‍🔥

💥📖◄ Psalm 18 ►

1To the chief of the singers. Of the servant of the Lord, David, who spoke the words of this song to the Lord, when the Lord had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: "I love you, O Lord, my strength!

2Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer! My God, my rock, where I find shelter! My shield, the strength that saves me, my high retreat!

3I cry out: Praise the Lord! And I am delivered from my enemies.

4The bonds of death had surrounded me, And the torrents of destruction had frightened me;

5The bonds of the grave had surrounded me, The nets of death had caught me.

6In my distress I called upon the Lord, I cried to my God; from his palace he heard my voice, and my cry came before him into his ears.

7The earth was shaken and trembled, The foundations of the mountains quaked, And they were shaken, because he was angry.

8Smoke arose from his nostrils, and a devouring fire proceeded from his mouth; coals of fire burst forth from him.

9He lowered the heavens and came down, and there was a thick cloud under his feet.

10He rode on a cherub, and flew, He glided on the wings of the wind.

11He made darkness his retreat, his tent around him; He was enveloped by dark waters and dark clouds.

12From the splendor before him came the clouds, hurling hail and coals of fire.

13The Lord thundered in the heavens, The Most High uttered his voice, With hail and coals of fire.

14He shot his arrows and scattered my enemies, He multiplied the thunderbolts and routed them.

15The bed of waters appeared, The foundations of the world were uncovered, By your threat, O LORD! By the sound of the breath of your nostrils.

16He stretched forth his hand from on high, and laid hold of me, and drew me out of the great waters;

17He delivered me from my powerful adversary, From my enemies who were stronger than I.

18They surprised me in the day of my distress; But the Lord was my support.

19He put me in the open sea; He saved me, because He loves me.

❤‍🔥❤‍🔥😇Wowwww what love.

It's yours to share in the name of Jesus Christ.

Fear not, your Father loves you, and is awesome.

🌹💥Do not fear any situation. It's up to the situation to fear you, because your KING is powerful and saves you.

A pleasant day to you in His love and presence. ❤‍🔥😇


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