We want to cherish this beautiful gift which is the kingdom of God

🌹𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚
𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲🌹

*Title*: 🙏🏼 We want to cherish this beautiful gift that is the kingdom of God 🙏🏼

🎼You are faithful, faithful, faithful.
You work in me, you work in me.🎼

*Hello to you* 😇

What about if we read the book of Phillipians?

📖 🎊 Philippians 2:23-30 LSG
[23] I therefore hope to send it to you as soon as I see the way out of the state in which I am; [24] and I have this confidence in the Lord that I myself will also soon go. [25] I thought it necessary to send you my brother Epaphroditus, my companion in work and battle, through whom you sent me the means to provide for my needs. [26] For he wished to see you all, and was greatly distressed that you had learned of his illness. [27] He was indeed ill, and very close to death; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him, but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow. [28] So I sent him all the more eagerly, so that you would rejoice to see him again, and I myself would be less sad. [29] Receive him therefore in the Lord with full joy, and honor such men. [30] For it was for the work of Christ that he was near death, having laid down his life to make up for your absence in your service to me.

*Verse of the day* 

📖🌼Matthew 13:44 LSG
[44] The kingdom of heaven is still like treasure hidden in a field. The man who has found it hides it; and in his joy he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.

🌼Hum, the kingdom of God is truly precious.

It is so precious that it is our lives we must give to acquire it because it has been made available to us by the Tender and Glorious Lord Jesus Christ.

🌼We must give our lives but also work to preserve what we have acquired.
Because this treasure is so coveted by our enemy the devil.

🌼 Father, we pray for our brothers who have not yet had their eyes unveiled on this treasure in order to buy it at the price of their precious life, that is, to give their whole life to Christ.

❤‍🔥🌸And for us who have taken this step, grant us the grace to treasure this treasure and stand firm before the enemy in order to endure to the end.

🌸😇Thank you Father ❤‍🔥🌸

🌸📖Genesis 15:1 LSG
[1] After these events, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, and he said, Abram, do not fear; I am your shield, and your reward will be very great.

🙏🏼⭐Papa, Creator God, we have a special thought for *los Angeles, Benin and other countries going through calamities*.
Please strengthen them.⭐🙏🏼

Welcome to the day of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit Celebration Day.

*Let us pray for the countries below for one week _*.

17. Bangladesh (Bengali)
18. Barbados (English)
19. Belau / Palau / Palaos (English-Palauan)
20. Belgium (Dutch-French-German)
21. Belize (English)
22. Benin (French)
23. Bhutan (dzonkha)
24. Belarus (Belarusian-Russian)
25. Burma (Burmese)

🌹 Prayer 💥
Lord Jesus Christ, I give you my life and I receive yours.
I believe that I am now your temple.

*Father, that within 1 year, a multitude of people will be saved through us*.
# *2025*, Year of romance with the Holy Spirit.

🌹2025 will be a very good year because the Holy Spirit takes control, the commands of our lives.

*Mathilda Adjoudjènon*

🌹I 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒆 you to share this 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆🌹


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