We want to make the difference

🌹𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚
𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲🌹

*Title*: 🙏🏼 We want to make a difference 🙏🏼

🎼You change all things.
 Yes you change all things and with you I want to move forward.🎼

*Hello to you* 😇

What about if we read the book of Colossians?

📖 🎊 Colossians 2:4-7 LSG
[4] I say this so that no one may deceive you with seductive speeches. [5] For though I am absent in body, I am with you in spirit, seeing with joy the good order that reigns among you, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. [6] So then, as you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in him, [7] being rooted and grounded in him, and strengthened by faith, according to the instructions given you, and abound in thanksgiving.
*Daily Verse*

🎼📖Luke 6:28 LSG
[28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

🙏🏼Ô forgiveness Lord.
Forgive us for sometimes cursing those who mistreat us.

💫 Forgiveness Daddy for the fact that sometimes we reciprocate those who curse us.

Forgiveness for the lack of forgiveness, for the lack of love.

Forgiveness that sometimes we justify even those acts that don't honor your name.

Oh, we want to make a difference.
We want to make a difference Lord.

🌸💫 Help us to manifest your heart.

🙏🏼⭐Papa, Creator God, we have a special thought for *countries going through calamities*.
Please strengthen them.⭐🙏🏼

Welcome to the day of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit Celebration Day.

*Thank you Father for*:

*_Pray for the countries below for one week _*.

41. Cyprus (Greek-Turkish)
42. Colombia (Spanish)
43. Comoros (French-Arabic)
44. Congo-Brazzaville (French)
45. Congo-Kinshasa or RDC (French)
46. North Korea (Korean)
47. South Korea (Korean)
48. Costa Rica (Spanish)
49. Ivory Coast (French)

*Father, that within 1 year, a multitude of people will be saved through us*.
# *2025*, Year of romance with the Holy Spirit.

🌹2025 will be a very good year because the Holy Spirit takes control, the commands of our lives.

*Mathilda Adjoudjènon*

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