You Are my life

🌹𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙚
𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗲🌹

*Title*: 🙏🏼 You're my vie🙏🏼

🎼You are God, you work such great miracles.
There is no God like you.
There's no God like you 🎼

*Hello to you* 😇

What about if we read the book of Thessalonians?

📖 🎊1 Thessalonians 1:8 LSG
[8] Not only, indeed, has the word of the Lord sounded from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has made itself known in every place, so that we need not speak of it.
*Verse of the day*
📖💥Philippians 1:21 LSG
[21] For Christ is my life, and death is my gain.

Wow a strong phrase.

You are my life, my existence, my reason for acting.

You are everything to me.

💝If I die, it will only be my physical body that will be impacted.
Because I'll live eternally with you.

Physical death is nothing compared to what you have in store for us.

You are eternal life.

🙏🏼⭐Papa, Creator God, we have a special thought for *countries going through calamities*.
Please strengthen them.⭐🙏🏼

Welcome to the day of the Holy Spirit.
Day of the celebration of the Holy Spirit.

*Let us pray for the countries below for one week _*.

75. Equatorial Guinea (Spanish)
76. Guyana (English)
77. Haiti (French-Creole)
78. Honduras (Spanish)
79. Hungary (Hungarian)
80. India (Hindi-English)
81. Indonesia (bahasa indonesia)
82. Iraq (Arabic)
83. Iran (farsi)
84. Ireland (Irish-English)

*Father, that within 1 year, a multitude of people will be saved through us*.
# *2025*, Year of romance with the Holy Spirit.

🌹2025 will be a very good year because the Holy Spirit takes control, the commands of our lives.

*Mathilda Adjoudjènon*

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